Monday, August 9, 2010

December 2009 - BBD (Big Buck Down!)

Wednesday afternoon @ 3:00, this guy strolled casually behind my tree stand....BANG!
This first pic was taken with my cell phone, immediately after got to him. There was no blood trail, it was a spine shot high in the neck as he was walking direcltly away from me...needless to say he dropped in his tracks. The only motion afterwards was one small twitch of his tail....happy, happy hunter, right here!

Didn't think I would ever top 2008's buck, then this guy "happened". Coincidentally, I am 99% sure I met this deer the next to the last day of rifle season 2008. He came within 11 steps of the stump I was sitting on while trying to fill my doe tag....similar size rack, just not quite as thick. That happened within 100 yards of where I shot this buck in 2009....awesome season!

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